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October 22, 2007
Posts: 39

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(Firsts!) So, I'm currious to know what manner of LARP everyone's participated in:

I've played Amtgard mostly, which is a boffer-style LARP based on high-fantasy. There is a magic system, actual bows in use, and monsters for quests and such. I will admit that it's been a LONG time since I've been able to get to the local parks back home to swing some stick. There's nothing quite like mowing down a field of newbs as a skirmisher, dressing in a majestic costume to boot!

I've also played two games of Vampire: The Masquerade, but I got tired of it very quickly; It's hard for me to take any LARP seriously that uses the rolling of dice or rock-paper-scissors to settle matters of combat...and everyone seemed to be a drama queen in and outside of the game. I've attended a few SCA events as well, but only as a spectator...


-Stay safe, carry ALWAYS, and when the need is greatest, a 1911 is faster than 911.
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February 18, 2009
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Started with Eidolon, moved to RoC (Realms of Conflict). For now I'm an NPC, enjoying playing a bazillion different characters and beating the PCs down every chance I get. Ah, good old fashioned fun. (:

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October 22, 2007
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Hrm...I've never heard of either of those. Then again, I suppose not everyone has heard of Amtgard. What's your favourite weapon combination?


-Stay safe, carry ALWAYS, and when the need is greatest, a 1911 is faster than 911.
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February 18, 2009
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`My favorite weapon combination? Well I like Using a crossbow and one handed sword, double weilding shortswords, Bow and arrow and a one handed sword, or just a one handed sword.

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September 24, 2009
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`i play dagorhir. thats really the only boffer style larp in my area, but me and my friends are thinking about starting a new larping group with different rules, as to weapon combos, usually sword and shield, but i also like polearms and sword and axe.

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October 22, 2007
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I've recently moved on to the SCA, which isn't LARPing so much as historical re-enacting. Still, that completely gave me a new experience; While a lot of the weapons styles are the same, it's a great deal harder to make a shot count. A lot more force must be applied, because 'light' shots won't count (You really need to stike the opponent hard), and while I'm used to not striking for the head and the entire leg being fair game, in the SCA you are stiking for the head, and anything below the knee is dangerous and won't count.

Another point of difference is the difficulty in swinging an actual stick. The weight of a boffer, no matter the constuction materials, is infinitely a lot easier to swing than a rattan stick included with the weight of steel armour encasing your arm. I found tht while I couls still get the shots into the correct positions, my speed and power were greatly reduced, and i was not as effective on the field as I remember from earlier battles. Your endurance will also get drained much faster, as the helmet will restrict oxygen intake, plus the extra weight of armour. I was only able to fight for about four matches before needing to take a rest.


-Stay safe, carry ALWAYS, and when the need is greatest, a 1911 is faster than 911.
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February 22, 2010
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`I played Dragon Crest from 1999-2001 as a PC I had 3 chars. Now I play Nero Alliance and Nero Int as a NPC banking xp for when I roll a PC.

I have heard of Amtguard, heard its pritty hardcore compared to Nero, same with SCA rumor has it SCA actually has a yearly death count. Not sure how uch of that is rumor though.

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April 7, 2012
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`I just fight friends in parks randomly. The whole RP element is neglected, as the friend who introduced me to it decided the magic and point system hindered gameplay. We don't do head-shots, but groin shots count for both legs. I just moved to SoCal, and am looking for a good group by Cerritos, or even just some people to carry on the tradition of fun sparring in a park with. My weapons of choice are two short tomahawks, two two-handed swords, scythe and sword, double-sided polearm, or just a dagger if I feel like shaming the other person

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