And now for the wonderful nerdy stuff! Im a huge reader and have been known to kill 3 books in a day. Mostly fantasy and sci fi, a little mystery thrown in for fun. I adore playing RPG's both PC and table top. Have to say Mage: The Awakening is my favorite right now. And is anyone else excited about The Old Republic? Surely Im not the only person about to go insane waiting for that game to launch. To top all of the rest off I love to write and spend a lot of time doing it. With a bit of luck I'll be able to publish one of these days.
Currently I am wrapping up a degree in Lit, Philosophy, and Film. Im pushing to teach in one of the subjects. I also did some time in culinary school, so I love to cook and provide delicious treats whenever possible. I think nothing is better than a good drink with good company, and hopefully good food. On a slightly random note I have an obsession with Buffy, Angel, The Dresden Files, and a few others.
I suppose thats more than enough to give you kind viewers an idea of my particular brand of crazy. Look forward to some interesting conversations with good people